
Offers users of disposable printing plates the luxury of running tight register multi-color work without the added cost of film, stripping and metal plates. PlateStrips™ turns your disposable plates into metal…and gold for you!

PlateStrips™ solve a real problem. Most printers are familiar with the problems associated with disposable printing plates. Paper and polyester plates are notorious for “stretch”. The pinbar holes distort under pressure and do not allow an acceptable degree of registration, especially when running the T-head. When applied, PlateStrips™ reinforce the pinbar holes at the lead edge, virtually eliminating stretch.

PlateStrips™ are easy to use. Simply peel off the protective backing to expose the high-performance adhesive, specifically designed to resist fountain solutions and solvents. Align with the lead edge of the plate then, punch as usual. Add-up the real savings. The average material cost alone for producing a one sided metal plate is in excess of $4.00 per color. This does not even include the labor cost and storage requirements.

Countless printers are beginning to see the cost savings in today’s laser CTP plate systems. Even more would enjoy the added profits by utilizing their existing platemaking equipment for long run and multi-color jobs. PlateStrips™ were designed by a printer, for printers, and have been consistently modified and improved to ensure the highest quality and performance.

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